Sunday, 25 March 2007

With Summer came a new arrival ......

Nancy, our other dexter cow had her calf early this morning....
We got close enough, in the tractor, to check all was OK but it was all sleepy, it's eyes still milky white and legs like jelly not quite yet ready for the not sure if bull or heifer calf yet.
More to follow.

Saturday, 24 March 2007

Spring to Summer

Today was the most beautiful of days with clear blue skies and really warn sunshine.
In the fields, early this morning, the tiny lambs were enjoying the warmth of the sun, our bull calf (now almost 4 weeks) was giving chase to all the other cows only to then flop in a heap in the sun in need of sleep - well he is still young after all... And our bantams kept stopping when they fell into pockets of sunshine curled in their heads, fluffed their feathers and had a quick nap.
The sunshine seems to have brought everything alive, the grass is growing (which is good for our cows) the hedgerows are full of primroses, the daffodils are in full flower and not long now until the bluebells open out in our woodland. Must get on with the vegetable patch am very behind with preparing and planting....
With a day like today we look forward to the extra evening hours after the clocks change tonight. Here comes the Summer......

Sunday, 18 March 2007

Know your Onions

Cornwall is a County of positive food action, there are hundreds of small producers selling an enormous range of produce. Via our blog we will regularly post useful information about local producers that you might benefit from when holidaying in our County, we will also post information about local events and happenings. With all this talk these days about 'Food Miles' and seasonal veg we thought this small chart from the Plough to Plate campaign might be useful to clarify what Meat and Veg is seasonal at different times of the year.

Tuesday, 13 March 2007

The days you long for

After the dark and this year very wet days of Winter today is the kind of day we long for, bright warm sunshine with the countryside starting to burst with the joy of Spring. The view from the Beacon hill at the back of Tredarrup across to Roughtor was stunning this morning, large white fluffy clouds drifting across the landscape created a patchwork over the Moorland interjected by the electric yellow of the gorse which, although flowers all year round, is at its best at the moment. Several Skylarks rose as though to announce the onset of Spring spiralling ever higher in an attempt to either attract a mate or lay claim over their territory, the Sun was positively warm a hint of things to come.

Monday, 12 March 2007

Chicken Chat

There's been a bust up in the chicken household, being the time of year when family matters are firmly on most animals mind, in particular our two cockerels, competition for female company in the chicken house reached fever pitch yesterday with the result there was a big 'punch up' between the two boys (not un-usual), bearing in mind there are seven ladies you think an amicable arrangement could have been reached, but alas no, one boy wants it all! The inside of the chicken house looked more like a boxing ring or Bodmin on a Saturday night, anyway the fancy cockerel has moved home to a penthouse bachelor pad in our hay barn. Although we suspect its not over yet as we have already caught him smooching behind the fruit cage with a couple of the girls. More to follow........

Thursday, 8 March 2007

The grass is growing

First the early spring flowers next the grass gets going, to the delight of our cattle! All animals that graze prefer the fresh stuff and whilst the grass we cut last Summer has sustained them over the Winter they are ignoring that in prefernce to the Fresh new shoots. Which means that soon we can stop putting Haylage (which was cut in big bails) out for them.
Which would you prefer?

Meet the Animals

We're the Bantam family, 2 Cockerels, Mum and 6 youngsters. We lay smaller eggs than chickens but some say they're tastier. Like all the animals here at Tredarrup we are 100% free range and organic. More info on us and our mates in a while.

Meet the Animals

Hi from Tabbie - I was once a feral cat that lived in one of the barns with my black and white sister who still lives wild but comes every night for her tea. I now live in a posh Rabbit hutch on the doorstep. See you soon

Meet the Animals

This is Molly our 4 year old pedigree black Labrador with her favourite toy a Yellow toy duck kindly donated by one of our guests. Molly is hoping to have a family this year so watch this space for news!