Saturday, 9 June 2007

Cornish strawberries, swallows and a sneaky chicken....

Hot sunshine and the planters are bursting with bright red ripe strawberries - sweet and ready to eat, with clotted cream of course or elderflower sorbet made from the thick blossom on our elder trees! This hot sunshine following on from the rain in May has been ideal for all things to grow and flourish.
Another beautiful Tredarrup sunset last night whilst the swallows were busy at work, catching insects on the wing and chattering. They have taken up home in Mill Barn's porch and in our sheds - we are sure they have already had some young.
Spot the chicken !!!! Squark, one of our little brown bantams has decided not to lay her eggs in the hen house, but in one of Stable Cottage's planters!!!

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