Tuesday, 26 June 2007

Our climate - rain, floods and now bright sunshine

Climate change is such a burning issue, and one that we believe to be important. Although Cornwall has had rain and Boscastle did get some flooding again we were not the hardest hit with the more Northern areas of England getting the worst of it in what they say is England's wettest June ever..... Our swallows were struggling yesterday to fly any higher than between the legs of the cattle, keeping below the wind and the rain.
Each year there is something else that is measured as being the worst/hottest/wettest so that must mean that our planet is changing. At Tredarrup we do try to make a difference, we are not perfect but we do as much as we can and there are so many things that we can all do to make a difference from recycling to using low energy bulbs to just letting nettles grow (within reason). Although the nettles sting (but there is always a dock leaf nearby!) there are many reasons to keep them, especially for the butterflies. The nettle supports more than 40 species of insect, including peacock, red admiral, small tortoiseshell and comma butterflies. Many nettle patches host over wintering aphids, which are an early food source for ladybirds, blue tits and other woodland birds. They are also good in the garden as a natural and free plant food.
For other ideas on how to do one thing for nature be inspired by the animals in the series Saving Planet Earth and get some tips from their website http://www.bbc.co.uk/savingplanetearth/

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